I Love You So Much – Poem by David Yarbrough

It has been quite some time since I’ve blogged! I hope to not have that long of a dry spell again, but some pretty incredible things have happened in the past year. 
1. I have one of my children’s stories fully illustrated, still looking for a publisher
2. I am making YouTube video screencasts on using a Goemetry Software to eventually make a full course
3. The Queen just became a Beachbody coach and is dedicated to improving people’s lives
4. I work a nighttime position at the school and am bringing home an extra $1000 per month
With all these things going on, I just have not made the time to blog. Shame on me! I have, however, made it more of a priority to catch up with Facebook friends and complete my to-do list on the Coach.me app on my phone. These are all good changes, but I still want to write publicly. (I have been writing, just not on publicly on WordPress.)
Without further delay, here is a poem that I wrote to the Queen one day this past year. No doubt I was probably using the restroom when I wrote it, but it’s pretty good! 
I Love You So Much
I love you so much,
You mean the world to me.
You are so great – I’ll tell you what,
I never thought I’d be,

As lucky as I am,
To have a wife like you.
You show me that I can,
When I doubt things I do.

At night when I lie in bed,
I do so peacefully.
It’s pleasant being by your side,
It’s thoughts of you I see.

I am so thankful to have my wife, 

My source of inspiration,

My true companion, and best friend, 

My excellent persuasion.

I will pursue you for my life,
I’ll be your loving man,
Mistakes I’ll make there is no doubt,
But with you I’ll always stand.
Copyright David Yarbrough 2014